Clean Shoreline

The Sea of Change

A We Grow Forest Foundation Initiative

Did you know?

14 million tonnes of plastic waste are dumped into our oceans every year.  And that’s more than one full truck of garbage being disposed off into our seas per minute!

Sea of Change

Our oceans generate most of the oxygen we breathe and regulate the climate. Clean Shoreline – The Sea of Change is the We Grow Forest Foundation initiative to rally the crowd to fight against marine pollution and reduce plastic littering in our oceans. Around 5.25 trillion plastic pieces are present in our oceans, and research in medical science has also shown microplastics in about 80 per cent of human beings. All this could be prevented by eliminating plastic pollution from our seas. Plastic isn’t a menace; littering certainly is, and the solution lies in our hands.

Why are beach clean-ups necessary?

We recognise the need to do our part as engaged citizens to protect and conserve our beautiful habitats. A clean environment is essential to life’s existence and survival on Earth. Our individual-level carbon footprint is reduced when we use less plastic. The consequences of pollution on our oceans are reduced when beach litter is removed. Remember that waste on beaches impacts marine life.

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Our Journey reveals the truth!

We began our quest toward Clean Shoreline on March 12, 2022. As part of the Global Recycling Day, We Grow Forest Foundation initiated a beach clean-up drive at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, titled Clean Shoreline – The Sea of Change. We strive for the world’s most recognisable beach award, the Blue Flag, which is regarded as the gold standard for beaches. Clean Shoreline -The Sea of Change is committed to implementing sustainable beach management principles in India.

Do beach clean-ups have an impact?

They certainly do. Every item of beach trash collected is one fewer piece of litter that will not end up in the ocean. Beach clean-ups are valuable mitigation strategies that would help people understand the problem and get involved in finding solutions.

Ask, Learn, Explore
Your Questions, Our Answers

We need a solution, not pollution!

The purpose of beach clean-ups is to promote public understanding of marine pollution and, as a result, contribute to the decrease of trash and plastic in the ocean. We concentrate on establishing long-term sustainable communities that can positively impact the planet.

We understand and promote action to address marine litter

Know more about us in this video

Partnership with UNEP-GPML

We are a member of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter (GPML) of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), the premier global network for advancing solutions to reduce and eliminate marine litter in our oceans. Our focus on three main goals through the partnership include reducing the amounts and consequences of land-based litter and solid waste brought into the aquatic environment; reducing the levels and implications of marine debris released into the aquatic environment from sea-based sources such as solid waste, lost cargo, management of abandoned, lost, discarded fishing gear (ALDFG), and abandoned boats; and reducing the levels and consequences of (accumulated) marine debris on shorelines, aquatic ecosystems, and biodiversity.

Level 3 Champion - The Tide Turners Plastic Challenge

We Grow Forest Foundation has passed the Champion Level Certificate of The Tide Turners Plastic Challenge . The Tide Turners Young Leaders Plastic Challenge is a global youth movement to fight plastic pollution around the world. It is designed to inspire young individuals to reflect upon their plastic consumption, discover solutions to reduce this consumption, and lead change in their homes, communities, institutions and offices.

SDGs and Targets

We Grow Forest Foundation, in this project, focuses on activities that adopt Sustainable Development Goals put forward by the United Nations. Project Clean Shoreline aims to fulfil Sustainable Development Goals 6, 14 and 15.

Get in Touch for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Projects in Coastal Development

Explore opportunities to collaborate with us on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives aimed at fostering coastal development. Whether you represent a corporation, organization, or institution passionate about making a positive impact on coastal communities, we welcome your partnership.

Contact us to discuss potential projects, partnerships, or sponsorship opportunities that align with your CSR objectives. Together, we can create meaningful initiatives that contribute to the sustainable development of coastal regions while addressing environmental and social challenges.

Reach out today at 9778411911 or to explore how we can work together to make a difference in coastal communities through responsible and impactful CSR initiatives.

We Grow Forest Foundation

We Grow Forest Foundation, a registered NGO founded by a group of passionate women working predominantly in the environmental sector. 

We Grow Forest College

We Grow Forest College, where we are dedicated to cultivating a community of environmental stewards committed to the preservation and restoration of our planet’s natural ecosystems.